Reservation coupon for a riskless trial
of Ginseng's Natural Root

I want to rule out of my life the words:
Fatigue, nervousness, overwork, anxiety, anguish, stress, lack of sommeil or of memory, I don't want to be the vitcim of modern life agressions anymore.

I want to find again real soon:
manhood, vitality, dynanism, tonus, power, equilibrium, strength,

I also want to find again:
Physic resistance, mind focus, positive cerebral activity, well-being and joie de vivre, success in everything

I give you my agreement to try a cure with the Root of Life, Gingseng, so I'm asking to send me as soon as possible 2 Roots of Life to take (without any risk) a two weeks cure with Ginseng, I'm asking to to join my wonderful gift, that is a free Root of Life for a one-week free Ginseng cure,

I will receive 3 Roots of Life for the price of 2, that is:    us$59, only.

I wish to order today 2 complete cures (4 roots plus 2 free) and I am paying us$99 only

that is an extra gift of us$19

Ginseng is not a medication
but only a medicinal plant which vertues are known worldwide

Check payment:
Payment by check is accepted*.
Send a copy of this form with your check filled in to:
Le Web


You will receive your order by mail in
1 to 2 weeks from now, depending on the country.
